Winemaking arrived in the New World with Spanish conquistadores in the 16th century.
From Mexico, where viticulture was first established in the Americas, the vine spread southward through other Spanish colonies, from Peru to Chile and Argentina by 1560. The Portuguese brought the vine to Brazil as early as 1532. Whether Spanish Catholics and missionaries hold responsibility for propagation of the vine, or colonists were simply interested in preserving a staple of their old lives, viticulture flourished in most of South America. However, despite promising early origins, South American viticulture suffered under a prohibitive 17th century Spanish law that restricted wine production (unrelated to the Church) in the New World in favor of Iberian producers. While some nascent wine-producing colonies were hindered by Spanish calls to uproot their vineyards, others, such as Chile, did their best to ignore the ban on production. The matter was settled definitively as the early 1800s brought a new era of political autonomy to former colonies, and Argentina, Chile, and Brazil (South America’s three leading wine producers) gained independence, though not without a great degree of turbulence and strife. An influx of European immigration in the 19th century, along with the development of a national rail system, resulted in a rapid expansion of viticulture in Argentina. Chile also benefited from European expertise: in 1830 the Frenchman Claudio Gay set up a Chilean repository of pre-phylloxera Vitis vinifera vines at the University of Chile’s Quinta Normal department. These vine specimens served Chile well; its geographic isolation, due to the Andes, prevented phylloxera from entering the country. Today, Chile is the only major winemaking country to remain totally phylloxera-free; in the late 1800s the country was able to capitalize on Europe’s vineyard devastation
Wine In Peru Struggles For Recognition, But Bright Future In Sight (
If anyone wants to get deeper into South American wine, The South America Wine Guide is now out and covers all the wine regions in detail: There are also free downloadable study maps on that link. Cheers!
Hi Paola, Pedro Gimenez is still Argentina's most-planted white grape variety (9,753 ha) but if you put the three Torrontes varieties together, they supersede it (9,975 ha). I certainly agree Torrontes has a greater claim to being the most emblematic white variety in Argentina. PG is often used in table wines, cheap sparkling wines, but there are some nice wines to try - look for Mariana Onofri and Paso a Paso. Finca Las Moras also makes a very cool sherry style wine from PG!
Hi Angelo, I would argue that the classifications (IP, IG, DOC) have very little relevance to quality, just to the origin of the grapes. The DOC classification is somewhat irrelevant at the moment with only a handful of wineries using it. The IG system however is increasingly important with sub-regions like Paraje Altamira IG, Los Chacayes IG etc coming to the fore. If you want to get into the classifications a bit deeper, you could download my book on Argentina: (see page 125). Quality levels for wines aren't controlled by appellation rules in Argentina nor by any other classification method (Reserva etc).
Thanks for pointing this out! I'll make the update.