Portugal ranks as the world’s 11th largest producer of wine; the country is 1st in the world in per capita consumption.
Although its fame in the world of wine rests squarely on the shoulders of two great fortified wines, the country is rapidly developing an arsenal of modern table wines, sourced from a diverse array of over 200 unique native varieties. Worldwide decline in the sales (and interest) of fortified wines has prompted Portuguese producers to look beyond Port and Madeira in an effort to compete, but years of geographical and—until the last decades of the 20th century—political isolation have left an inscrutable, perplexing vineyard terrain. Rather than adopt the same international varieties that characterize newer winemaking regions worldwide, Portuguese producers instead look to their own bounty of grapes and traditions. New research continues to identify the best indigenous varieties and clonal selections for quality table wines, and technological advancements in the winery allow Portugal’s table wines to overcome past criticisms of rapid oxidation and rusticity.
The history of wine in Portugal closely parallels that of its Iberian neighbor Spain through the Age of Exploration. Wine in Portugal predates the Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, and Romans, each of whom arrived in turn prior to the Common Era. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the ensuing Germanic and Moorish conquests of the region frustrated—but did not eradicate—viticulture. Portugal expelled the Moors and affirmed its national identity by 1250, over two centuries before Spain would conclude
Please can somebody explain what type of soil chao rija is?
Taken from Wines of Portugal website:
Famous for its biting acidity and dark, opaque colour, Vinhão is the most-planted grape of the Vinho Verde/Minho region. Unlike most red grapes, where practically all the colour comes from the skins, Vinhão also has red flesh and therefore instant red juice, which then darkens further once the blue-black skins have time to macerate. This is an especial advantage in the case of port production, where colour needs to be extracted very quickly. In the Douro Valley it goes by the name of Souzão, and it is currently being quite widely replanted. Vinhão originated in the Vinho Verde/Minho region, and only later migrated to the Douro.
Their Torna Viagem is a novelty item. I don't think its actually in production.
Hi Molly. This is a really good question. Here's what I was able to find out: The map doesn't show much detail, but the larger body of water that touches the subregion of Coruche (SW portion of the Tejo region) is still the Rio Tejo. Officially the river doesn't merge into the Atlantic until it hits Lisbon. Since it doesn't hit the Atlantic until Lisbon, the Tejo region is considered one without its own ocean coastline, and therefore it is landlocked.
Above, the study guide states that Tejo is landlocked, but on the map it appears that a small southwestern portion of the region meets a larger body of water, where the Tagus/Tejo River appears to turn into a bay before it flows past Lisboa into the Atlantic. Any confirmation on this?