
In the public eye, the story of German wine usually begins and ends with Riesling.


  1. Setting the Stage
  2. Origin of the 1971 Germany Wine Law
  3. The 1971 German Wine Law Today
  4. The VDP
  5. The Grapes of Germany
  6. Winegrowing Regions of Germany

Sommeliers and wine critics, well acquainted with its charms and severity, perpetually fight its underdog status, waging a long information campaign to educate casual wine drinkers that not all German Riesling is sweet. It’s a versatile grape in terms of sugar: Riesling offers a little or a lot of sweetness—or lacks it completely. We announce its purity, its effortless expression of terroir, its usefulness as a foil for many styles of cuisine, its ability to age magnificently in the cellar. Certainly no country in the world is more tied to the fortunes of Riesling than Germany, which grows almost half of the world’s total supply. But even as the variety finally ascended to become the Germans’ most planted grape in the last days of the 20th century, the country has a richer field of varieties than the stereotype suggests—and the Germans love drinking dry wines! (From 1985 to 2015, the percentage of total German wines vinified dry shot up from 16 to 46%.) Today, a sommelier well-versed in Germany’s offerings should understand its trocken styles, its noble sweet wines, everything in between, red wines, Silvaner, Pinot Blanc, and other grape varieties coming from a diverse set of growing regions and soils, wrapped up in tradition, reclaimed by modern voices, defined in wine law but often exemplified in extralegal categories, rendered obscure by the fearsome constructs of its own language, and… Ah, well. Achtung!

Setting the Stage

Vitis vinifera arrived in Germany with the Romans, whose legionnaires crossed the Alps over 2,000 years ago and extended their eastern frontier to the Rhine River, far from the traditional bases of viticulture in their Mediterranean homeland. Germanic tribes adopted

  • Chris Tanghe's 2018 presentation has the 2018 Selection category listed as no longer valid, but I'm having a hard time finding information regarding the elimination of this quality designation. The guide still discusses it as a category. Can you help clarify?

  • Hey Anthony! These were approved by the EU in 2018. The Guide is updated. Thanks! 

  • “Reinhard Heymann-Löwenstein has applied for Germany’s first three single-vineyard PDOs, for three separate parcels within Uhlen: Blaufüsser Lay, Roth Lay, and Laubach.” 

    Arent these approved as of now?

  • Hey CJ! Thanks for catching this. It is updated! 

  • Small thing I came across while reading, but it stood out to me: "The Upper Mosel Anbaugebiet occupies the right bank of the Mosel River" — seems like it should be bereich instead of Anbaugebietunless there's something I missed...

  • Thanks Sam! This is confirmed and updated.

  • Thanks Sam! This is confirmed and updated. 

  • As of 2022, There are 202 members of the VDP.

  • There is currently 11 regional associations as opposed to the 10 that is referenced here.

  • The section on the Rheinhessen includes the following text: ‘Liebfraumilch, which originated as a specialty of Worms, became a sugary, bastardized product that debased Germany’s reputation as a wine producer. At the same time, the 1971 wine law appropriated the name of the small village of Nierstein for one of three Rheinhessen Bereiche, diminishing its value.’ I don’t believe the phrase ‘at the same time’ was intended to be literal, but it is misleading as the rise of Liebfraumilch as a potent commercial player predated the 1971 wine law by a couple of decades.